Spectacular results so far from the formally secret Paul Rogers material




…… “Ho James, that idea of walking round a bank of slots to identify which ones will recognize new players is 100% brilliant.

I did that yesterday starting with a $70 cup of coins. After 40 minutes had $127 in the cup. Likewise tried those corner high

visibility slots. Didn’t actually make a profit but minimized my spending speed. Excellent stuff James”….. Syd Edge QLD


..... “Dear Mr. Coyle, a very pleasant surprise yesterday afternoon. I won $250 off a $5 scratchit! Thank you!”… Mrs E. Johns


…… “James, we are very grateful. Have been using the celestial stuff for 4 days and yesterday got called into the bosses

office. Had me a bit worried! Wrong, he offered me a serious promotion as a vacancy had occurred due to illness. About a

20% increase in pay. James, this was totally and completely unexpected. My husband was delighted and has now

stopped criticising my purchase of the Celestial program. This has certainly cut his negativity a bit!”…Sue Bedford NZ


…… “Yo Jimbo, no specific major luck event to report but without a shadow of doubt I am feeling much luckier and cheerful.

My car wouldn’t start this morning and I needed a taxi in a hurry. Had to walk quickly down to the main intersection about 500

meters away. As I walked out my gate a taxi was passing. I whistled it and the driver dropped me into town. Lucky??”….. R.S. NSW


…….”James, your Celestial luck is creating slow incremental increases in my general overall feeling of my normally very

mediocre luck. I can feel things starting to improve. Sort of a strange feeling, like something brilliant is about to happen.

 A new feeling for me! Will keep in touch.” …….. John Everett NSW




Please read this….a highly critical comment from a regular (and somewhat annoyed) client!!


…….. “Heck Jim, why has all this vital knowledge been hidden before. Why didn’t Paul and you release it way back? I didn’t know that under predictable conditions the machines could be triggered to recognize me as a new player and feed me several small wins in a row so my coin cup was kept full. I also didn’t know that natural luck fades away just before the emergence of the daily luck window. So 15 minutes later the luck bursts and wins are really happening. Jim, I didn’t know any of this. Also there are five other critical bits of knowledge that I wasn’t aware of.  Mate, may I make a serious suggestion? That you re-write your Paul Rogers promo and bullet all these critical points so clients can quickly see how potentially valuable this document is. It is by far the most informative and useful doc I have bought from you over the past 8 years. Jim, I would be seriously interested in an explanation as to why this stuff has been hidden until now. Cheers”…….. Bob Crawford  NSW


Response from James  - Yo Bob, Paul and I had intended to make as much money as possible from all these techniques then write an overall report about them for release to our USA and Oz markets. We completed this report several years later. And filed it. We both agreed that we would not release it until we both agreed the time was right. Years went by and I lost touch with Paul. The report was totally forgotten. It wasn’t until I retired that I had the time to search back through old computer records. I found this old report on a CD disc that was at least 20 years old. I spent some time cleaning it up and the result is what you see below. Yep, you’re dead right Bob. My advert promo for this product was not at all explanatory. I’ve re-done it….. see below. Thanks very much for the input.




·       An extraordinarily quick and instant method of firing an imaginary Plasma Ball of energy to create instant jackpots.

·       Every casino has specific slots that pay out better than others due to their high visibility position. Pick these easily!

·       Sit down and do an amazingly simplified RV of the machine bank in front of you. Mentally ‘see’ which ones will pay!

·       At some point your luck fades & you head home. Wrong!! This happens 15-20 minutes before your daily luck window.

·       All big machines are programmed to recognize new players & give quick ‘encouraging’ wins. Pick these slots easily!


·       Unique Celestial Luck mental trick triggers subconscious imminent luck bursts into conscious mind in form of ‘urges’.

Your conscious mind flicks you little urges (Like walk into this newsagency and take a scratchit). Follow these urges!!




The most incredible mind-power story you are ever likely to read.

The full history of the James Coyle/Paul Rogers combination stretching

back 23 years to the Las Vegas era. This report explains in total detail

how these two developed the world’s best Luck Enhancement system.

This was an extraordinary new way to “suck” imminent luck events out of the subconscious.

This applied to any form of luck event at all, not just gambling. The results were quite spectacular!



Paul felt that if a person could receive sudden strong impressions or emotions impelling him or her to take a certain course of action, then he or she would enjoy financial windfalls on a regular basis. This particular Celestial Program has your subconscious tapping into this “future knowledge” and successfully transferred it to your conscious mind. This program induces “hunches” in your mind which you immediately act upon as they are your instructions for unlimited wealth creation. You will become consciously aware of imminent potential luck windfalls, either in gambling or non-gambling situations.














Paul and James learnt how to program the mind

to attract LUCK...lots of it!!!! For the first time ever

their highly secretive original research has been made

public. Paul has disappeared to parts unknown and

James has retired. So the story can now be told!


There is nothing more satisfying than being in the

right place at the right time....to receive a totally unexpected windfall.


The data contained below will lead you to the method of achieving this!!!


Paul Rogers background


My name is Paul Rogers


I’m a Kiwi Expat living in Las Vegas. I came from Wellington, NZ when I was about 23 because I was experiencing massive small doses of personal luck which I seemed to be able to induce on request. A friend jokingly suggested that I would probably make a fortune in Las Vegas. I thought about this and realized that the concept was definitely possible.

So I moved there for a couple of weeks as an experiment and this worked out much better than I expected.


Very soon I settled in Las Vegas and started playing the Slot Machines. To my very pleasant surprise I began having regular small wins. Nothing large…. most wins were under $1000. This was great as I didn’t want to draw attention  to myself by the management of the casinos. In those days that might not have been very healthy!


I spent hours every day in these casinos and noticed over time that the slot machines which gave the most frequent and regular payouts were almost always in a corner high-traffic position. They stood at the end of the row near where most people walked. So when they went off they made a lot of noise and attracted people to play ones in their immediate vicinity. Of course these nearby machines were no better than usual so people lost money. It is a little known fact that casinos can adjust the payout percentage on each and every machine individually so some machines are adjusted for regular larger payouts and on a more frequent basis. Strangely enough they also exhibit the loudest jackpot bells! So when they go off you can easily hear them, which of course always attracts a crowd of people.


I had been experimenting and observing for more than a year and making a small but handy living off my frequent small winnings, when I met a most interesting character, also from Wellington. He used to own a large electronic supply house which I remember visiting a few times. I was always cautious about meeting strangers as most of them were either jealous of my luck or wanted free information as to how I did it. His name was Jim Coyle and he had been doing the same sort of psychokinetic research that had captured my attention. In fact he was way ahead of me in this research so we basically decided to “partner” up and share info. This turned out to be a brilliant idea as Jim had an unusual lateral thinking mind and came up with new concepts I hadn’t thought of.


Paul goes on to explain in several page exactly what he did. The complete detail is supplied in the finalized report listed below.



James Coyle’s Background


I had recently met up with this Paul Rogers character at the CIRCUS CIRCUS Casino on the main strip of Las Vegas. This was the most amazing and energetic city I had ever visited. The psychokinetic energy was unreal. You could feel this energy as you flew into the place!! It sort of left your nerves shimmering!!


Paul was fascinated with my original PK luck system research so I laid it all out for him in the following explanation:


After years of experimenting I concluded that luck is “an individuals personal psychokinetic resonance with their environment”. As is well known psychokinesis is the mind/machine interaction effect.


No other possible definition of luck can explain why some individuals are very lucky...while others are definitely not!


I found during experimentation that luck appears to run in cycles on a daily basis.

That is, it peaked at certain brief times during any 24 hour period. This peak may have lasted several hours....or only several minutes.

I also found that under certain circumstances the timing of this peak could be predicted a day or so in advance.

This was quite extraordinary new knowledge and I was able to use it to win a number of jackpots on the slot machines.


All this detailed data from James is included in the finalized report listed below.



I became quite fascinated with Jim’s “window of luck” opportunity. This is shown as a chart elsewhere in this document. I had already noticed that after playing a while my luck dropped off to almost zero. At this point I figured I had probably finished for the day and went home. I did not realise that that If I’d hung around for another 15 minutes my luck peak for the day would have started. Hells bells! I must have missed out on a lot of jackpots by not knowing this. I followed Jim’s suggestion and carefully started playing again. Lo and behold…… all the previous machines that had refused to pay me now started to pay. Darn Magic! Thank you Jim!!

(This comment is vastly expanded in the finalized report)



I wrote a full detailed report of all my observations and presented it to Paul for his comments and observations.


And this is where Paul Rogers had one of his “mindbursts” and took all this research and did something with it.

And this was how Paul’s incredible CELESTIAL LUCK PROGRAM

was born.



With Jim’s marvelous research in mind I set about developing a mental-training program that would tap into a person’s future luck knowledge, then transfer it by strong impressions or emotions into the conscious mind.

I felt that if a punter could receive sudden strong impressions or emotions impelling him or her to take a certain course of action, then he or she would enjoy financial windfalls on a regular basis, without having to plot luck cycles.


It took me over 12 months of experimentation with different alpha/theta formats before I hit on the exact wording of the training instructions to my subconscious mind.


And did it finally work?


It was absolutely brilliant!!!

It was based on a very simple but profound subconscious message that the subconscious mind could not refuse!!

The message was played only at night as you were drifting to sleep. Absolutely no mental effort required at all. (The only effort was in compiling the original message.)


NOTE FROM JAMES: With Paul’s permission I recreated a simpler message version of this program for my local market. I really didn’t market this very hard and quickly stopped selling it. The original version of .Pauls is the complete unabridged version


Due to the tape program, my subconscious had tapped into this “future knowledge” and successfully transferred it to my conscious mind...so that I was consciously aware of it.


That is...I had consciously become aware of imminent potential windfalls.


This, tied in with my existing knowledge of luck cycles, has turned out to be a very powerful tool.

So powerful in fact, that it is sometimes a bit scary.




So what I’ve prepared is a complete combined report of all the activities and research we did together. I’ve assembled this into one large report (about twice the size of my usual ones). It not only contains a massive amount of Paul’s secret gambling knowledge but also full details of the original CELESTIAL LUCK PROGRAM.  This is by far the most successful luck program ever produced.

I am just finishing up with the detail in this report….. it has taken quite a bit of re-sorting. It will be ready in a couple of days (possibly by tomorrow).


The price for this is only $75 –


for the most profound knowledge you will ever receive.


. Since Dec 2020 when ordering our products you MUST use the new

order form displayed on –
